Built for a better future  

HAKI creates the conditions for safe working environments that build the sustainable homes and urban environments of the future. We strive to provide safe and healthy working conditions, play a role in environmental development and be a role model for high ethics and equality in our industry. 

Our sustainability strategy

How we make a difference

Sustainability is at the heart of our business. We focus our efforts on the areas where we operate and where we believe we can make the greatest impact. We aim to provide safe and healthy working conditions, play a role in environmental development and be a role model for high ethics and equality in our industry.

Our sustainability strategy focuses on three main commitments: 

  • A front runner in safety  
  • An environmental partner  
  • A responsible company 


Safety is a crucial part of our sustainability efforts: we have made safe working environments our top priority.

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This includes the people who use our products, as well as our own employees.  

We are continuously developing new products and services to protect our customers from risks related to their work. 


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We contribute to Goals #3 and #8 by providing safe and healthy working environments for both customers and employees. 


When it comes to the environment, we have a clear ambition: we strive to create new and better solutions with a smaller footprint.

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HAKI systems are designed to last, easy to recycle and new products are compatible with older ones. Through continuous innovation and optimisation of products and ways of working, we focus on reducing emissions, recycling, waste management and sustainable sourcing.


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Through innovation and development, HAKI contributes to Goal #12 by actively working to minimise its own and its partners' environmental impact.


Our ambition is to be a model of high ethics and equality in our industry and build a better future for all.

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It is our responsibility to ensure that our activities do not harm people or infringe on their rights. By encouraging an internal culture and implementing practices that promote integrity, ethical behaviour and equality, we improve well-being in a sustainable way. 


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We contribute to Goals #5, #10 and #16 by promoting values such as integrity, ethics and gender equality.

Sibbhult - a sustainable hub

Sustainability is a cornerstone of our state-of-the-art production facility in Sibbhult - the small community where HAKI was founded over 60 years ago. This is where most of our products are still manufactured, and the majority of the raw materials come from Swedish SSAB. Through geographical proximity between production and the main markets, we minimise emissions, transport distances and lead times.




83.5% of our waste is turned into new material.

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Our systems can last 30-40 years if treated correctly.


16.4% of our waste becomes new energy.


All HAKI products have a 2-year warranty.

Carbon offsetting for the future

Every day we work to develop cutting-edge solutions designed to optimise operations and reduce our carbon footprint. As part of HAKI's sustainability efforts, we have set a target of halving our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from a 2020 baseline.

Along the way, we also choose to offset the remaining emissions. By supporting carefully selected climate finance projects that meet the highest quality standards and deliver the promised climate benefits, we contribute to a reduction of greenhouse gases that compensates for the unavoidable emissions. 

Requirements for our suppliers

We work solely with suppliers that comply with HAKI's code of conduct and expect them to pass these values and ethical principles on to their suppliers.  

We also encourage our suppliers to introduce certifiable management systems on quality, the environment and work environment, and regularly follow up supplier performance within business ethics, social responsibility and sustainability.

A valuable co-operation

We are involved in the local communities where HAKI has operations and endeavour to employ and develop local staff.

Since 2015, HAKI in Sweden has collaborated with Samhall, a company that helps people with varying degrees of disability to find rewarding work. The collaboration has developed into a valuable partnership over the years.

It benefits the local community as it has been possible to repatriate production from other countries, thereby maintaining jobs in the Sibbhult area and offering meaningful employment for people locally who are otherwise outside the labour market. 

Talk to our experts

Want to know more?

Contact us to find out more about how we work with sustainability.