Compression Post

Products for enquiry

  • V - Compression Post (VCP) Standard

    The V - Compression Post (VCP) Standard provides a toolless post solution. Quick and easy to erect, and weighing only 12kg (26.5lbs), it offers up to 3.55m (11’7”) floor to soffit full containment.
  • V - Compression Post (VCP) XL

    The V - Compression Post (VCP) XL provides a toolless post solution. Quick and easy to erect, and weighing only 13.7kg (30.2lbs), it offers up to 4.55m (14’11”) floor to soffit full containment.
  • VCP Latch Slider

    The VCP Latch Slider can be adjusted to any position on the bottom part of the V - Compression Post. A strong but light attachment, this product offers a smart solution for barrier height adjustment.
  • VCP Latch Slider HD

    The VCP Latch Slider HD can be adjusted to any position on the bottom part of the V - Compression Post. A strong but light attachment, this product offers a smart solution for barrier height adjustment.
  • VCP Latch Slider 40

    The VCP Latch Slider 40 can be adjusted to any position on the top part of the V - Compression Post. A strong but light attachment, this product offers a smart solution for barrier height adjustment.
  • VCP Hook Slider

    The VCP Hook Slider can be adjusted to any position on the top part of the V - Compression Post. A strong but light attachment, this product offers a smart solution for barrier height adjustment.