HAKI Public Access Stairs (PAS) erected at Parliament Hill School

Established building and civil engineering contractor Farrans Construction chose HAKI Universal Scaffolding and Public Access Stair (PAS) to provide a temporary access solution at Parliament Hill School in Highgate, London, while new build and renovation works were carried out. 

Faced with strict time constraints to provide access within one week, HAKI worked with Farrans Construction and designers Rubix Consulting to develop a solution, which was then delivered to site within one day of the working drawing being issued. 

As well as the HAKI PAS, the solution also comprised of two bridges and heavy-duty tripods, spanning the access route to three levels on an existing building. HAKI offered on-site technical support to ensure the solution was built safely, but at speed. 

Farrans Construction required a public access solution for the Parliament Hill School in London. We approached HAKI to work with our designers, to offer a concept proposal that met our criteria. HAKI’s technical department were very quick and efficient in their support, and the solution was delivered to site within 24 hours of the working drawing being issued. A HAKI technician was also provided on site to work with our scaffolding contractor, ensuring the system was erected quickly and safely. We certainly wouldn’t hesitate to use HAKI on our projects going forward.

Kieran Doyle, Quantity Surveyor, Farrans Construction

We were delighted to offer a timely delivery of our public access solution to Farrans Construction and Parliament Hill School.

Tom Cook, Area Manager, HAKI